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Service Level Agreement (SLA)

You will benefit from having a Service Level Agreement (SLA) that is relevant and properly adapted for your delivery, and intended use of the service, respectively, is significant. We can help you with just that. The SLA is the part of the contract that defines exactly what services are provided and the required standard for those services. Often we negotiate the following terms the most heavily since they are the central elements for gaining a high-quality service with the foreseeable risks and intended cost:

  • Availability of the service and exclusions,
  • Key definitions and metrics by which the services are measured,
  • Response times and exclusions,
  • Guarantees and warranties
  • Remedial actions, compensation, service credits and termination rights

SLAs exist in a variety of forms and variations:

  • Service Levels for IT Maintenance
  • Service Levels for Support and Helpdesk
  • Service Levels for IT Operations – On-Premise (often negotiated heavily)
  • Service Levels for Cloud Services – Private Cloud (often some room to negotiate)
  • Service Levels for Cloud Services – Public Cloud (often standard, non-negotiable online agreement)

We offer fixed price projects if we can foresee the complexity and scope of the work. Price example – For a stand-alone review or improvement of a contract, we offer fixed fees for our work in the range of SEK 10k – 30k (exclusive of VAT) depending on complexity and the number of iterations of the drafts.

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