Blockchain as an emerging technology affects many industries today and can re-engineer economic markets and existing products. Blockchain or distributed ledger technology (DLT) is a digital ledger implemented in a distributed fashion; it is considered to be tamper-evident and tamper-resistant.
Contact our experts and get advice on issues like:
- Which country's laws apply to your application/crypto-asset?
- How is the crypto-asset regulated? Is there a ban? How heavily regulated is the space?
- What is the legal responsibility of the different actors in the system?
- How can you protect crypto assets from cyber security threats?
- Data protection and privacy apply - manage your responsibility under the GDPR.
- Smart contracts - which country's law apply and how you can regulate the underlying transaction to protect your interests.
- Meeting the regulator's requirements.
- Financial regulation and cryptocurrencies
- Anti-money laundering requirements associated with crypto assets
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