Contact us

Investor Support

  • Scouting and legal analysis of target companies
  • Confidently and efficiently work direct with founders and tech professionals
  • Provide legal advice to your portfolio companies adapted to the strategy and speed of startups
  • Support purchasing legal services and international legal suppliers

We make your job investing in startups and companies easier – we can help you in digital technology companies’ investments, mediate contact, and help define, support, and lead your legal projects. We are proud to be known as the “technology-friendly law firm” after our founder’s work with leading entrepreneurs, business angels and their advisors for many years.

We can help you with your digital investments (internet, software, digital media, cloud services and mobile applications) by planning, managing risks without letting risk management go beyond the technology companies’ ability to grow, increased conversion of visitor flows and customer satisfaction.

For the experienced purchaser of legal services, we can assist in procuring, leading and executing legal projects internationally. We have long created added value for our clients by helping them with our “insider” knowledge of business lawyers cost model and negotiating advantageous fees for legal providers.

Our business model is adapted for the scope of your needs – from retainer with reduced prices for negotiations to price estimates or fixed fees for more defined assignments such as mini due diligence or second opinions.

How We Can Help:

  • Scouting and legal analysis of target companies
  • Confidently and efficiently work direct with founders and tech professionals
  • Provide legal advice to your portfolio companies adapted to the strategy and speed of startups
  • Support purchasing legal services and international legal suppliers


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No obligations for the first contact; clear costs; confirmation before billing starts and often fixed prices.
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